Shared book-reading is a powerful way to support language development while enjoying time with your children. While reading, adults can talk with children about the stories using the following points as a guide. Remember, adults do not need to quiz children about books. Rather, these are starting points for having open conversations with children about the stories. If children do not have any answers to questions, offer your own ideas and invite your children to add their own unique perspectives.
Wonder together about the story, relax, and enjoy!
Discuss WHO you see, WHAT is happening, and WHERE things are (comprehension)
Ask and explain WHY and HOW various events happened (cause & effect, processes)
Identify characters’ feelings using facial expressions and body language (social-pragmatic)
Notice clues that explain characters’ reasons for their feelings or actions (inference)
Make guesses about what might happen next (predict)
Retell the story at the end using this Story Summary graphic organizer for main plot elements and order of events (summarize)
Talk about favorite parts (personal connection & bonding)
A heart-warming story about a monkey looking for a hug.